San Marcos Youth Baseball


Shetland $140 and Pinto through Pony $175
**Sibling discount is $15**

Registration Dates: June 1, 2024 -Jul 31, 2024


Register in the division that is the correct age bracket (for play up requests read below). Spaces fill quickly so register as early as possible! All wait listed players will be notified if a space becomes available.


PLAYER EVALUATIONS. All players in divisions other than Shetland will need to attend player evaluations.  Evaluations are held at Mission Sports Park and are usually held four weeks prior to the start of the season. The league uses a sign-up system to determine evaluation time slots on evaluation days. All registered and paid players will receive information about the sign-up process prior to evaluations via email.

DO NOT FALSIFY INFORMATION. Please register your child into their correct age group. If you would like to submit a question or request related to your child's registration, please address it to the registrar. For other matters, please address your question to the Director of your child's division. SMYB will respond to all requests and questions as soon as possible.

PLAY UPS. The deadline to submit a play up request is 6/30/2024. Requests should be submitted directly to Steve Fredericks at Requests are subject to availability and a player evaluation in the play-up bracket and should also attend the player evaluation in their regular age bracket.

 CREDIT CARD REGISTRATION ONLY. Payment by credit card is required to complete the online registration. If you must register by cash or check please contact  so we can make a special accommodation.

UPDATE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. Email is the primary form of communication from SMYB to league families. If your email address has changed, or if you have opted out of receiving communications, you may miss out on important information. Please make sure your email address is updated.

WANT TO MANAGE A TEAM? Complete the online "Manager Registration" which is accessed in the same manner as player registration.